Training Talent
Train your talent and your business grows; ignore them and they wither or leave.
deWinton-Williams Consulting delivers award-winning talent programmes which show measurable results. We develop successful thinking, behaviours and attitudes which move people forward in their career and capability while delivering a return on investment. Our last programme delivered over £2 million to the business. Over the past decade we have delivered in excess of £30 million.
We design:
- Talent development programmes
- Development centres
- Leadership transition programmes
Every programme matches your business, links to your strategy and reflects the day-to-day workplace reality. If you think your people can do better and drive your business further, we can help you get them there.
Talent development programmes
Our approach to talent development goes beyond training. We immerse delegates into the challenges of the next career stage and forward-build their skills. We drive performance through a unique mix of training, experiential learning, feedback, project work and delivery to the bottom line.
Our talent programmes are successful because we ensure:
- Relevance: We reflect reality of the delegates’ environment using realistic business case studies.
- Top line: Working with highly experienced business actors, we create experiential learning which is realistic and relevant.
- Bottom line: Talent Development is a business investment which should deliver a return. We seek to not only covers the cost of the programme, but ensure a profit too.
- Feedback: We tell people what is working and what is holding them back – in real-time.
- Conversion to action: We convert training into immediate action through business coaching and mentoring.
Development Centres
deWinton-Williams designs centres which are based on realistic scenarios and so ensures feedback which is fully relevant performance goals. We understand that building a raft out of logs is great fun–but it rarely defines real development needs.
Our development centres drive performance because we ensure:
- Realistic assessment. We design assessment exercises which test a delegates’ capability in a realistic, relevant situation.
- Holistic assessment. We achieve holistic assessment by combining observation with psychometrics, 360 feedback and manager assessment.
- Trained observers. We ensure delegates get feedback from people fully trained in the skills of observation and assessment
- Supported development planning: A development centre should take delegates forward. We ensure a detailed development plan and, where required, the coaching support.
Leadership transition programmes
Taking on the mantle of a leader means a rapid shift into a whole array of new skills–and having todeal with situations formerly left to others. Little wonder most people report transition-stress.deWinton-Williams combines their expertise in talent development and their experience in buildingresilience to ensure new leaders are supported and confident as they establish their new profile.
Our leadership development programmes deliver because we provide:
- Leadership training in leading and driving performance through others
- Safe practice of the new responsibilities and skills through experiential coaching, ensuring leaders get it right before they apply to their teams
- Rounded profiling using a range of psychometrics which give insight into strengths, challenges and also blind-spots
- Expert advice on the challenges of leadership and how to establish a positive leadership brand
- Executive coaching to support transition and work-through challenges in the first year
“We’d had lots of recommendations for de-Winton Williams. Four years on, we are winning major accolades for the impact we have made together. We’ve simply had no need to use anyone else for this work.
deWinton-Williams add market-leading organisational psychology insight, legal sector specialism and pragmatic application to what we are looking to achieve. Most importantly, they listened to us and adapted their input to meet our unique situation and needs, internal capability, timelines and budget, without compromising on quality. I feel relaxed and confident to use them and would heartily recommend them as the leading consultancy to call on for organisational development within law firms”.
“Working with deWinton-Williams has enabled us to gain clear momentum in delivery on strategy and organisational goals. We sought advanced negotiation training and having given the specification to a number of potential providers, found deWinton to be the ones who listened and sought to understand our business. They designed and built a program designed to our specific needs at the best cost. It has since been hailed as the best training and development received by the business which we have been able to embed and roll out to other areas also”.
‘We know when a candidate has been on the deWinton-Williams programme. They simply stand out above the others.’
‘You pushed me hard but every step was progress. I would not have made partner without your programme. Thank you.’